Luminescence is the emission of light by matter. It is a physical process of interest for physics, chemistry, biology and applied areas such as material science, medicine, biotechnology and others. There are several types of luminescence classified according to the energy source. The Museum emphasizes traditional photoluminescence processes (fluorescence and phosphorescence), chemiluminescence, with special emphasis on bioluminescence (light generated by living organisms). It has an important collection of fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminescence and bioluminescence demonstrations, including light detection devices, bioluminescent devices, bibliographic material, explanatory panels and a unique collection of bioluminescent beetles of the word, with more than 100 species, the largest in Brazil. The MzCTLum is the first of this modality in Brazil.
The MzCTLUM is an university extension activity aiming at scientific and technological dissemination within the program Innovation, Dissemination and Application of Bioluminescent Technologies (PROEX: 23112.003935 / 2014-90) at Fed. Univ. São Carlos. This activity is also associated to the thematic project "Bioluminescence of arthropods: biological and molecular diversity; biochemical and anatomical origin; structural / functional evolution and engineering of bioluminescent proteins; biotechnological, environmental and educational applicability "(FAPESP 2010 / 05426-8), coordinated by Professor V. Viviani.
Activities of the Museum
• Luminescence explanations
• Demonstrations of photoluminescence, chemiluminescence and bioluminescence
• Bioluminescence displays
• Expositions of technological developments using bioluminescence for biomedical, industrial, environmental and educational purposes.
• Entomological collection of fireflies and bioluminescent beetles of Brazil and the word
Phrixothrix hirtus (Phengodidae: Coleoptera)
Bacteria transformed with the luciferase gene
Different kinds of luminescence


Phosphorescence and fluorescence experiments
Museum of Science and Technology of Luminescence
The Museum of Science and Technology of Luminescence aims to bring to the community the scientific, technological and educational importance of luminescence, especially bioluminescence and other types of luminescence of biological interest, based on research developed within the Federal University of São Carlos and other institutions in Brazil.

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Vadim Viviani
Technical Assistant: Gabriel Hiroshi
Monitors: Raone Reis, Vanessa Bevilaqua

During the International day of Light, the Museum of Science and Technology of Luminescence of Federal University of São Carlos at Sorocaba city will perform expositions and demonstrations of Luminescence driven to health and environment, with a special emphasis on Bioluminescence, the emission of visible light by living organisms. There will be expositions of Bioluminescent Beetles from the Atlantic rain forest and Amazon forest, as well as practical demonstrations of photoluminescence, chemiluminescence and bioluminescence, exhibiting products developed in our university. The academic community of Sorocaba and region is welcome to participate.
Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m
Scheduling of visits: Visits by groups and schools must be scheduled in advance
Contact: Phone: +55 15 3229-5983
Address: Núcleo de Extensão em Educação, Tecnologia e Cultura – UFSCar ETC
130 Maria Cinto de Biaggi street, Santa Rosália – Sorocaba/SP, Brazil